Confusions of a Wife and Mother

I have a lot of things in my life I don't understand. So instead of just complaining to my friends I have decided to open it up to the whole world. Everyone has things to complain about and get off their chest. I might just be a little more open with it, but hey it makes for some honest amusement most of the time.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ohhh how I love books

I wouldn't go on record an say I'm obsessed with books, but I would say I am in love with them. They give you the option to get lost in this world that isn't your own. You find yourself in the story and in this different life if only for a few hours. So when your a mom and a stay at home mom at that you have to have a hobby, mine is books. When you are losing your patience with your children getting lost in a book of a young female vampire, with tons of boys trouble, it is a huge difference from being a married woman with two kids and more drama then I can handle. So I lose myself in a great book if only for awhile just to let my stresses go. Writers are amazing I can never collect my thoughts long enough to finish a whole story..tons of ideas, not so good at writing. So I say if you are a mom and you find yourself a little overwhelmed in the day lose yourself in a good book and grab an ice tea and relax. Trust me after you get a good book it isn't long before you find more. It's a great relaxation method and it's something that won't get you into trouble! Ohhh unless you decide to call your hubby a main male characters name....then ya have some explaining to do!!!