Confusions of a Wife and Mother

I have a lot of things in my life I don't understand. So instead of just complaining to my friends I have decided to open it up to the whole world. Everyone has things to complain about and get off their chest. I might just be a little more open with it, but hey it makes for some honest amusement most of the time.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I don't understand men....yes they say the same thing about us!

Though I know men are confusing at times, I still find it funny at their inability to say they are wrong or sorry. Even over the stupidest things. Yes, most of the time you can read them like a book they are pretty predictable, but not on this such issue. They will pop off at the mouth and say something stupid if they were wrong, but won't admit it. What is that? Is it that part in the back of their brain that says "HEY! Don't give up now shes almost given up, just say something stupid." Who knows. What I do know is that they have weird ways of getting in their point across even if they are wrong and you sit there and think about it for a second and go "wait, what?" Every woman has to know what I'm talking about it happens all the time to my friends and I. We are constantly comparing the stories of stupid excuses and avoiding saying sorry stories. Why do they have to be so hard headed?

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Soo as a mom you always try to do cute little things for holidays and that usually involves baking of some sort. I made a bunny cake for Easter and of course I had to do all the filling of the eggs with all the candy....well right after Easter this year my kids and I made a cookie cake for my husband's bday. Left the cookie cake on the counter a long with their Easter baskets. Let me just tell you that was a bad idea. My son who is going to be four decides he is hungry wakes up eats more then half the cookie cake and if you have seen those things they aren't small. Not to mention Easter candy on top of that...It's hard not to laugh at the things they try to get away with. I asked him Gavin what did you do this morning and with no smile on his face and all serious he said, "I was hungry I ate daddy's cake." LOL I tried to stay serious, but that tends not to happen. He walks down stairs looks at me and says "WHAT!?" Like he is the head of this house. I just laughed and sent him to a chair to sit, but he still doesn't understand bc he was hungry he wanted to eat so whats the problem? They baffle my mind sometimes.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


So first of all YES I knew it was going to suck and second of all I THOUGHT I was prepared! WRONG I was! Not only did my son start out doing amazingly well I decided to make a stupid mistake and just let my worries go. Why that is a bad thing? A few months later he decides to start pooping his pants. What I don't understand after reading WEBSITE AFTER WEBSITE, is the fact that nothing in his schedule has been dramatically changed and yet he still continues to do it. Though I do know that if he gets bribed OH you bet he will run for the bathroom and will have no accidents till he gets what he wants, but that's NOT how you teach a child to potty trained. I think he is still waiting for that gift to come out if he goes potty on the toilet and it's just not going to happen. So we have abandoned all pull ups and diapers and he has got the "pee-pee" down, but still gets "poo-poo" ALL wrong. I am at a lose. So I just stay positive? Is that the best advice out there? REALLY!!? That's all you experts have!? I want some answers damn it. I'm sorry there is only so much poop you can clean out of underwear during a day before you start to get cranky. Parents correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't know one of us out there that isn't frustrated when a child goes from NO accidents to going in his/her pants all the time....soooo annoyed and at a lose as to what to do. HELP!!!!!!