Confusions of a Wife and Mother

I have a lot of things in my life I don't understand. So instead of just complaining to my friends I have decided to open it up to the whole world. Everyone has things to complain about and get off their chest. I might just be a little more open with it, but hey it makes for some honest amusement most of the time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What we are taught when we are younger.

Look back to what were taught growing up. Women it's probably something like love is everything, fairy tales can come true yadda yadda yadda. Am I wrong? Men are taught to respect women or they are taught to not really regard them. I understand that everyone is raised differently and everyone's back ground is different. Though who really cares we are people who choose what we want out of life and how we make it. Don't act like the choice wasn't yours because it was. You will always face challenges and you will always have people that stand in your way and tell you that you can't. I was told when I got pregnant out of wedlock that I would never finish college. Well I have my business degree and I'm going back to get my RN degree against all odds. Has it been hard? I would have to say hell yea it has. I got divorced after I got my business degree from a man that wasn't taught how to treat a women. I do you say it had to "Man up and get out." I took charge of my life and I wish other people in my life would as well. Just remember when your parents said you can be anything you want to be. I'm sure we have all heard that when we were younger. So take it and run with it. You have the strength maybe you just need a good kick in the ass.

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